Tentang CHUUI
Cerita 1
Cerita 2
Cerita 3
Cerita 4
Cerita 5
Cerita 6
Cerita 7
Cerita 8
Cerita 9
Cerita 10
Cerita 11
Cerita 12
Cerita 13
Cerita 14
Cerita 15
Cerita 16
Cerita 18
Cerita Belum Selesai #1
Cerita Belum Selesai #2
Cerita Belum Selesai #3
Cerita Belum Selesai #4
Cerita Belum Selesai #5
Cerita Belum Selesai #6
Cerita Belum Selesai #7

Cerita Keenam

After the Time Machine had found, Mr. Ritsuno as the headmaster, noticed all the students to do not go to the Time Machine. Mr. Ritsuno was hiding all another secrets of Labscholl. But Shuffyu thought it isnt good. Students MUST know all their scholls secrets, he said.

              By the way, there was another issue about the scholl. The students thought the scholl is hiding one more important secret, known as Bubulabi. Bubulabi is a dangerous animal. That animal can engulf people, and then send them to the Black Hole.

Mr. Ritsuno had no more idea. He thought that he must tell all the students about Bubulabi, because if the secret didnt told to the students, some of them can die.

Now is 4th week of October 2001, a flag-raise ceremony begins.

Fushishi : The flag-raise ceremony, Monday, October 22 2001, will be start soon. The lines prepared.

The Compies : Prepare, move!

Fushishi : The commander goes into the field.



Fushishi : Messages from the inspector. The line rested.

Commander : For the messages, rest on plaaaaaaace, move!

Mr. Ritsuno : For all of the people that participate in this ceremony, assalamualaikum warohmatulohi wabarokatuh.

Students : Walaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Mr. Ritsuno : First we thank you to the God, because The God bless us and then give us many things. Okay, now we talk about the point. My students Im sorry because I didnt gentle for didnt tell you all about the real story of Labscholls secret. I was doing this because I dont want you to be scared. I apologize for this. But now the secret is about Bubulabi.

1000 ago, Ryacka [you absolutely know who is he] built this scholl. When he was doing that, he saw a cat. He thought that cat is an ordinary cat. Then he bred it. He loved that cat very much. Everyday, he gave the cat an expensive and exclusive foods. After a long time, the cat can talked to Ryacka, Thank you for giving me this everyday. But I am not a good cat, I am an evil cat. So I appreciate you with my evil. I will vanish all the-people-seeing-me, and send them to the black hole. You dont need to be vanished, because you are not evil. And then Ryacka shocked, WHAT!!?? Dont do that thing, its dangerous you know!

              I dont care, I will do that!

              That wont make me happy, please I will sad if all people seeing you!

              Okay, I give you another gift. You can enjoy your life and still young after 2000 years later!

              Really!? Wow!!! Ill take that!

              So can I vanish the people

              You can do all things what do you want, its up to you!

              Okay, see you again next time! [He, he, stupid Ryacka! How can people enjoy their life until 2000 years.]

              [He, he, stupid cat. How can he vanish the people Ill command it with my magic to cant vanish the people but why? I cant cast my magic.]

              After that, the cat saw a person. The person saw that cat too.

              Hey, stupid people! Ill vanish you to the black hole!

              The person levitated, and then vanished. Poor person. Now he was in space. He walked by his foot. There was a black hole near there. He engulfed by the black hole quickly. He flied along the black hole tunnel and he arrived in a destroyed antique city. And then the citizens celebrated his arrival. The citizens were ordinary humans, but something strange. How could they in the black hole with a destroyed city?

              Pardon me, Sir! Are you the native of the black hole?

              Yes, we are the native citizens of black hole.

              But how can you arrive in a city like this?

              Let me tell you. Long time ago, there was a gigantic city here. The humans from the earth were suffering from the catastrophea meteor crushed onto the earth. Some of the earth humans went to another place by walked along the invisible-long- accelerator-bridge that connected earth with the Andromeda Galaxy. If we walk on that bridge, the velocity is same as the light speed. In Andromeda Galaxy, the humans were engulfed by the black hole. They found a ground inside the black hole and then built that gigantic city. Now, the gigantic city is gone, ruined by Bubulabi.

              Pardon me, Sir. Could you please tell me what is Bubulabi?

              Bubulabi was a cat, but an evil force possessed into its body. Bubulabi can ruins a city in 30 minutes. Bubulabi went from this place a year ago.

              What!? Does Bubulabi has a teleporting-power?

              Maybe yes.

              [That cat must be Bubulabi, I must do something!]


              No nothing.

              Could you please tell your name?

              My name is Ru.

              Okay, Ru. Could you stay in my house this night? Let me bring you to my house.

              Oh, thank you.

              Ru cannot go back to the earth, because the invisible-long-accelerator-bridge was broken.



              Okay, students. Thats the secret. I think we must pray to remove Bubulabis evil force, okay pray! End the pray! Okay I think that will enough, assalamualaikum warohmatulohi wabarokatuh.

Students : Walaikumsalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

              The ceremony ends after a long time. Some of 2G students discuss the problem.

Shuffyu : Bubulabi. Bubulabi isnt evil, but the force! Who is the force!?

Hund : I dont know! Im scared I dont want to be engulfed to the black hole.

Ryouffu : Hey, you coward! Lets kill the force!

Bullett : Yeah! Hey! Wheres Narren?

Hund : Mmm he went to the toilet.

Ryouffu :

              Next day, Mr. Uswadien goes into the class.

Mr. Uswadien : Assalamualaikum, now you all must go home, GO!!!

Shuffyu : But

Mr. Uswadien : No but-but! Now go!

Bullett : We cant let this happen! We must fight against Bubulabis force!

Narren : Ye~s.

Mr. Uswadien : Okay Shuffyu, Hund, Ryouffu, Bullett, and Narren stay here. The others must go home!

              And then, a cat appears near them.

Mr. Uswadien : Hey! Its Bubulabi!!! Dont look it, RUN!!!

Shuffyu : RUN!!!

2G Students : Okay!

              They run. But Mr. Uswadien was teleported.

Hund : How can!? Mr. Uswadien was teleported! This is terrible!

Bullett : Machi no doubutsuen wa isogashii!&ewqr

Hund : Hey! Theres no time to sing!


Voice : Hahahahaha! Im Bubulabis evil force, Zonnus!

Shuffyu : Oh, no!

Zonnus : Dont worry, I wont teleport you to the black hole but now you must prepare for your death.

Hund, Ryouffu, and Bullet : Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Ruuuun!!!

Narren :


Zonnus : Grrr Now take my power, BIG BANG ATTACK!!!

Shuffyu : Aaaaaaa!!! I attacked!

Narren : Ooh, I want to urinate.



Shuffyu : Hey! My wound is revived! Thank you for urinate to me!

Narren : You dont have to thank me.

Shuffyu : Okay, now take my power, THE POWER OF MOON CRYSTAL, COME!!!


Narren : Hey! We did it, horraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

[I will not vanish as where there is an evil in the heart of people.]



Hund : Hey! Mr. Uswadien is back!!! And there is another people!

Bullett : Who are you?

Person : I am Ru, and this is another citizens of the black hole, we want to live on the earth from now. We were the citizens of the earth too.

Ryouffu : Hey! Youre the famous Ru. And you must be the native!

Native : Yes.

              The evil force of Bubulabi had gone into the sea and made a new species of animal, known as Bulubabi. If we touched by the Bulubabi, we must be urinated.


The End

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